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56 donations have been made to this participant. $100.00 Pierre Jean-Baptiste $10.00 Anonymous $50.00 Jeff Levering $50.00 Cheryl Marshall $100.00 Sandro & Lisa Eyma $50.00 Jim Dunne $50.00 Santiago Silveyra $50.00 Sean Leone $25.00 Dino Tose $50.00 Jason Dufault $50.00 Jon Shaw $50.00 thomas burroughs $50.00 Kim Lauzier $50.00 Gail Lowell $50.00 Kellie Murray $200.00 Anonymous $50.00 Clark Reiss $100.00 Beate Becker $25.00 Dorothy Lunnin $50.00 Thomas Sullivan $50.00 Robyn Ferraro $250.00 Jon Holdorf $200.00 joseph litwak $25.00 Tom Feeney $100.00 Laurel Berryman $50.00 Deb B $300.00 Edward Leary $30.00 Guerline Charles $50.00 Vera Yigle $50.00 Nesly Pierre $100.00 Daniel Sousa $250.00 Cheryl Perry $50.00 guy previlon $50.00 Jean Celestin $25.00 Yosef Mervin $30.00 Wendy Raposo $50.00 Christopher Dearaujo $100.00 Michael Otey $100.00 Anonymous $500.00 Bill Duffy $35.00 Ansie & Arthur Mexil $15.00 Charles Horner $50.00 Cheryl Senra $100.00 Kerly Loubeau $50.00 Ron Johnson $50.00 Darlie Thomas $50.00 Sandra Sanders $50.00 Nicolino Mucciardi $50.00 Nadege Denis $130.00 Nate Arbouet $50.00 Beth Cote $50.00 Hilaire Saint-Pierre $50.00 Michelle Gorman $20.00 gilberte Sainvil $150.00 Anicet Dybantsa $100.00 Yves Barthelemy
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